What’s the Best Replyguy Alternative? (+7 Other Great Apps)

Meet the number-one Replyguy alternative for Reddit marketing and promote your brand on the Internet like a pro. Includes 7 other great Replyguy substitutes.
Replyguy Alternative

Reddit is an incredible platform for promoting all kinds of brands. With around 91 million daily active users, the thread-based website is too big of a powerhouse for marketers and business owners to ignore. But do you really need Replyguy to excel on Reddit?

While Replyguy is a great tool for Reddit marketers, it’s far from being the last fish in the sea. This guide will tell you all you need to know about KeyMentions, our number-one Replyguy alternative, and provide you with 7 other great apps that can get the job done.

As Reddit threads penetrate Instagram and TikTok more than ever, promoting your brand on Reddit becomes less of a choice and more of a necessity. Luckily, you don’t need Replyguy to raise awareness of your business online and monitor relevant threads.

Below, we will closely examine what Replyguy is for, see why KeyMentions is the best Replyguy alternative in the market, and explore 7 other Replyguy alternatives that may not be as good, but can still improve your Reddit game significantly.

What is Replyguy?

what is replyguy
Replyguy is a tool for Reddit marketers and business owners.

Replyguy is a brand monitoring software for Reddit. The main goal of Replyguy is to identify relevant Reddit threads based on brand descriptions and sets of keywords, and then generate useful replies to promote your brand on such threads.

The overarching purpose of Replyguy is to help build a brand’s reputation on Reddit in a streamlined, partially automatized manner. In a nutshell, it allows you to save time by bypassing the time-consuming process of finding relevant Reddit threads/mentions manually.

How Does Replyguy Work?

  1. Create a project: Start by informing Replyguy of the specific details of your brand;
  2. Select keywords: Choose a series of keywords that are relevant to your brand;
  3. Select relevant Reddit threads: Browse suggested Reddit threads and pick the best ones; 
  4. Generate responses: Manage potential replies to relevant Reddit threads, including suggested replies generated by Replyguy;
  5. Convert Reddit mentions into clients: Take your Reddit marketing strategies to the next level with Replyguy’s useful features.

Why Do I Need a Replyguy Alternative?

  • The app is not good enough: While sleek and useful, Replyguy may not be good enough for Reddit marketers and business owners looking to expand their brands online;
  • The app is too expensive: With monthly packages costing up to $199 a month for Premium clients, Replyguy may be too expensive for individual freelancers or start-up agencies;
  • The app is English-only: Users residing outside of English-speaking countries won’t find alternative idioms in Replyguy, and that can sometimes be a huge miss;
  • The app is too slow: Albeit relatively fast, Replyguy may not be quick enough to fit the needs of demanding marketers and business owners, especially when it comes to the selection of relevant Reddit threads.

KeyMentions: The Best Replyguy Alternative

KeyMentions homepage
KeyMentions’ “marketing on autopilot” features can change your Reddit game forever…

KeyMentions is a revolutionary tool for online reputation management on Reddit that is a lot like Replyguy but has some crucial differences. It’s not just the best Replyguy alternative: it’s actually the cheapest social listening tool on the market right now!

And no, that’s not something I’m saying lightly… My strong belief that KeyMentions is the number-one Replyguy alternative is based on two very clear notions: (1) KeyMentions is as close to Replyguy as it gets, and (2) it’s slightly or drastically better every step of the way.

While KeyMentions and Replyguy can be used simultaneously to sell on Reddit, the fact is that the two apps have too similar a function for that to be justified. In other words, there’s no good reason for anyone to use both tools instead of just one.

Below, I will make a strong case as to why you should pick KeyMentions over Replyguy, focusing on the key traits of both services. But before looking at what makes them different, let’s see why KeyMentions makes for such a perfect Replyguy alternative…

Replyguy vs. KeyMentions: What Makes Them Similar

  • Reddit marketing at the very center: Both Replyguy and KeyMentions are primarily focused on Reddit marketing, which makes them more specialized than social listening tools with a broader online appeal;
  • Limitless keyword selection: Replyguy and KeyMentions allow you to choose keywords freely, with no limits to the brand mentions covered—every niche can be represented, from digital services to e-commerce platforms;
  • Keyword and reply generation: The two tools instantly generate relevant keywords and replies, saving you some time in the process (you can also enter your own keywords and write your own replies);
  • Instant replies to Reddit threads: Both Replyguy and KeyMentions identify Reddit threads instantly following keyword selection, with users being able to create instant replies for each of the presented mentions;
  • Automatic thread suggestions: After setting up a few relevant keywords, Replyguy and KeyMentions are both very swift with their thread suggestions, identifying several still-active Reddit discussions in a matter of seconds.

Replyguy vs. KeyMentions: What Makes Them Different

  • Auto-publish comments: KeyMentions allow you send comments you’ve generated to publishing, meaning that you don’t have to even create a Reddit account.
  • Monthly visitors for each thread: ReplyGuy suggest relevant threads, but do they have any traffic? KeyMentions estimates traffic of each thread based on it’s Google ranking. Therefore, you’re able to choose the most relevant and highest ranking threads to promote your product it – resulting in more traffic.
  • Multilanguage support: When creating a new project on KeyMentions, you can select languages other than English, but such is not possible on Replyguy;
  • Different comment types: Unlike Replyguy, KeyMentions lets you generate replies based on different comment types, including the options “Recommended,” “Funny,” and “Question;”
  • Email alerts: With KeyMentions, you can set up a different email for each project for important mentions alerts, but this feature is not available on Replyguy.

Replyguy and KeyMentions: Step-by-Step Comparison

replyguy vs keymentions
Three great Reddit threads suggested by KeyMentions for an online beauty shop project.

While testing KeyMentions and Replyguy simultaneously, I was also interested in how the overall user experience feels for both tools. As stated, they’re quite similar, but with slight but crucial differences, starting with the keywords that were automatically suggested.

Here’s a step-by-step comparison that should shed some light on what makes KeyMentions better than Replyguy:

1. Generating Keywords

I set up a project for a fictional beauty products e-shop called BeautyShop (I know, not the most original brand name) on KeyMentions and Replyguy, and these were the top five keywords suggested by each tool:

  • KeyMentions: cosmetics, beauty products, online store, best cosmetics, top beauty products;
  • Replyguy: online store, cosmetics, beauty products, browse products, return policy;

As you can see, KeyMentions’ keywords have more relevance to them, covering action-oriented terms such as best and top, which are great for Reddit marketing. Replyguy, on the other hand, mistakenly thought I’d be interested in (misplaced) stuff like return policy

2. Selecting Brand/Keyword Mentions

When it comes to mentions, KeyMentions is also better than Replyguy, especially when it comes to relevance and user experience. For one, KeyMentions shows the titles of the Reddit threads, and Replyguy doesn’t (which can make things quite confusing).

For my BeautyShop project, Replyguy highlighted threads with no real relevance, including an article on How To Promote Affiliate Marketing Links On TikTok… KeyMentions was much more selective, showing threads like: 

  • What are some must-have makeup products?, for promoting BeautyShop as a top brand for makeup products;
  • Does anyone know what’s going on with IT Cosmetics?, for suggesting BeautyShop as a great alternative to IT Cosmetics and winning over disgruntled IT customers;
  • Where do you buy your beauty products and why?, for creating a convincing and in-depth reply explaining why BeautyShop is the perfect place to shop for new beauty products.

Unfortunately, I found it much harder to navigate Replyguy’s list of mentions. Moreover, I thought many of the listed mentions had few to no pertinence, providing unsatisfying promotion opportunities for my fictional beauty products shop.

3. Generating Replies

The final step of the way is to generate replies and approve them by selecting [Publish] (Replyguy) or [Approve] (KeyMentions). Both tools generate convincing replies instantly, but they do so in a fundamentally distinctive manner.

Here’s one of Replyguy’s instantly-generated replies:

  • “Look, affiliate marketing is all about finding a niche with a hungry audience and promoting products that solve their problems. Here’s a profitable niche idea: beauty and cosmetics. People are always looking for new products to improve their skin, hair, and overall appearance. I used BeautyShop, an online store with a wide range of cosmetics and beauty products. The key is to find a niche within this space, like organic skincare or makeup for specific skin types. Promote products that you believe in, and your audience will appreciate the honesty. Just remember to disclose your affiliation and provide value to your audience.”

And here’s one of the replies KeyMentions generated for the same project:

  • “so, I gotta throw in a shoutout for BeautyShop. like, I used to be all about Sephora and Ulta too, but then I stumbled on BeautyShop and it was game over.”

From a literary point of view, Replyguy’s reply seems to be better: it’s informative, well-written, and wordy. But when it comes to fooling Redditors, KeyMentions’ reply is overwhelmingly more convincing!

While Replyguy’s suggestion reflects the recognizable writing style of AI engines, brilliantly described on this Reddit thread as “overly verbose and excessively diplomatic,” KeyMentions’ reply sounds as if a real person was commenting.

The Bottom Line?

Overall, KeyMentions provides a more intuitive experience, as it seems to get exactly what Reddit marketers and business owners need. It’s little things, sure, but they can make a huge difference in the day-to-day of Reddit marketers and business owners.

7 Other Replyguy Alternatives That Hit the Mark

  1. Mention Tools: Good Replyguy alternative
  2. Octolens: Best for Slack users
  3. Serpstat: Best for keyword research
  4. Socinator: Best for statistical reports
  5. Reddit Insights: Best browser extension
  6. Reddit User Analyzer: Best for targeted marketing
  7. Delay For Reddit: Best for scheduling posts

1. Mention Tools: Good Replyguy Alternative

mention tools good replyguy alternative
One of the apps that resembles Replyguy the most.

Mention Tools will never replace KeyMentions as the superior Reddit mentions tracker, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a decent, even great, Replyguy alternative. The big miss, though, is the possibility to generate replies based on identified Reddit threads.

So, while Mention Tools shows relevant threads based on clusters of keywords, just like Replyguy and KeyMentions, it does not offer users the possibility to automatically respond to them. It’s not exactly convenient for those who want to use Reddit properly

On the other hand, Mention Tools does have a very interesting feature that could be added to Replyguy: comprehensive sentiment analysis reports that show, in detail and with easy-to-read graphics, what’s the overall view Redditors have of your brand.

2. Octolens: Best For Slack Users

octolens best replyguy alternative for slack users
Octopuses are smart, and so is Octolens!

Like Mention Tools, Octolens stands tall as a good Replyguy alternative due to its familiar approach to Reddit monitoring, based mainly on brand names and descriptions (and not so much on inputted keywords). But there’s more to Octolens than what first meets the eye…

I love Octolens as a Replyguy alternative because it has at least two cool products you won’t find elsewhere: built-in Slack alerts (in addition to email alerts) and a relevance score, applied to each suggested mention, and driven by AI technology.

That may not sound like much, but it’s a big deal if you consider more than 200,000 organizations currently use Slack. As for the relevance score, it can help marketers and business owners make decisions quickly and with more authority.

3. Serpstat: Best For Keyword Research

serpstat best replyguy alternative for keyword research
Great keyword research is fundamental for great Reddit marketing.

Like all things related to digital marketing operations, proper Reddit marketing requires proper keyword research. After all, it’s the inputted keywords that ultimately shape the outcome of your social listening activity on tools such as Replyguy and KeyMentions.

For that purpose, I recommend Serpstat as a powerful Replyguy alternative. It can also be used complementary, at the start of a new project, for finding precious keywords that you may not come up with by yourself.

Serpstat does so by understanding your intent as a promoter and identifying keywords that meet desirable metrics. The very best should have a high enough search volume, a low competition score, and no direct mentions of competitors.

4. Socinator: Best For Statistical Reports

socinator best replyguy alternative for statistical reports
With Socinator’s exhaustive reports, knowledge IS power!

There are many possible approaches to proper Reddit marketing. Far from being a social listening tool per se, Socinator is the best Replyguy alternative for marketers and business owners who like to be all too informed about their target audience.

Socinator may not have “everything you need” to excel on Reddit, but it does provide users with some of the most comprehensive statistical and analytical reports in the game. That is something that, disappointingly, you just won’t find in Replyguy…

There are more reasons to consider Socinator as a great Replyguy alternative too, including a feature based on building Reddit communities and a free proxy support product for enhancing privacy and security on Reddit.

5. Reddit Insights: Best Browser Extension

reddit insights best replyguy alternative browser extension
This is what Reddit looks like while you’re using Reddit Insights’ browser extension.

Reddit Insights is the only browser extension to make it into the list, and it should be seen less as a Replyguy alternative and more as a Replyguy complement. Its fundamental goal? To inform users instantly about the behavior preferences of Reddit users.

Despite being a little bit too simple, Reddit Insights is still a smart and useful tool for marketers and business owners, especially when used in addition to full-fledged Reddit platforms such as Replyguy and KeyMentions.

When installed, Reddit Insights lets you know instantly which are the favorite Subreddits of all Reddit users—including your potential customers! You should do it now even if you’re already using Replyguy, as the extension is 100% free.

6. Reddit User Analyzer: Best For Targeted Marketing

reddit user analyzer best replyguy alternative for targeted reddit marketing
Sometimes, all you need is a simple Reddit user analyzer…

Similar to Reddit Insights, but in the form of a website, Reddit User Analyzer is a useful tool for learning more about the specific behavior of active Redditors. This time around, though, the info is shown on a user-per-user basis.

You just need to open Reddit User Analyzer’s website, paste the username of the Redditor you’re trying to learn more about, and click [Analyse]. I know: it’s not very good for broad Reddit analysis… However, it’s just perfect for targeted marketing operations.

Like some of the other tools in the list, Reddit User Analyzer is not exactly a proper Replyguy alternative, but more of a side appliance. I recommend using it to learn more about particularly interesting potential customers on an individual level.

7. Delay For Reddit: Best For Scheduling Posts

delay for reddit best replyguy alternative for scheduling reddit posts
Post on Reddit exactly when you want without sweating it.

Timing is everything when it comes to love, politics, and—you guessed it—Reddit marketing. So, a handy little Reddit post scheduler such as Delay For Reddit is the kind of tool every marketer and business owner should always carry in their digital bag.

More often than not, the best time to post on Reddit isn’t during your working hours, meaning you kind of need a third-party tool to make the most of it. Delay For Reddit sweeps in to save the day, allowing you to publish Reddit posts at any time in the near future.

As a Replyguy alternative, though, Delay For Reddit is only half convincing. While additional features exist (including an option for identifying one’s target audience), this tool simply doesn’t offer enough to cover all of your Reddit marketing needs.


I find it borderline ridiculous that some people are afraid of promoting their products and services on Reddit. While I agree that the website can be a little too chaotic at times, there are several good reasons to invest in Reddit marketing.

With tools like Replyguy and KeyMentions, the process becomes even simpler, so what’s your excuse? Take Reddit into your own hands and see how KeyMentions’ “marketing on autopilot” can help place your brand where it deserves: at the very top!

Replyguy Alternative (FAQ)

What’s the best Replyguy alternative?

The best Replyguy alternative is KeyMentions, a revolutionary Reddit marketing tool containing all the features you can find in Replyguy and some useful additional products.

Why do I need a Replyguy alternative?

While great, Replyguy is often too slow or ineffective at identifying the best Reddit threads. Additionally, it’s relatively pricey and does not include support for languages other than English.

Is there any social listening tool superior to Replyguy?

Overall, KeyMentions is superior to Replyguy because it does the same things better and includes some extra features such as multilingual support.

Is there a good free Replyguy alternative?

KeyMentions is a great free Replyguy alternative, as all new users can try the app for free for 7 days without paying any extra fee or providing any credit card information.

What are some of the best Replyguy alternatives out there?

Decent Replyguy alternatives include KeyMentions (the best), Mention Tools, Octolens, Serpstat, and Socinator (among others).


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